Eide Bailly LLP

Company Description
Eide Bailly is a CPA and business advisory firm offering valuable perspectives beyond our core strengths of accounting and tax compliance. Our firm’s dedicated team of professionals have a great deal of industry expertise, including the ever-changing field of agriculture. Currently, we serve 2,300 farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural producers. Eide Bailly takes a comprehensive approach to serving ag producers, not only helping with today’s needs but also proactively identifying and addressing future issues. We help farmers align their Farm Service Agency (FSA), tax and business plans to avoid surprises. We also monitor laws and regulations to help you maximize credits and incentives. By looking at the “big picture,” we coordinate competing needs, such as FSA, tax, general business, succession and wealth management, to help position you for success.


  • Accounting

Professional Services

  • Financial Services